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Stylidium debile

Stylidium debile

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
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SCIENTIFIC NAME: Stylidium debile

COMMON NAME: Frail Trigger-Plant

PLACE OF ORIGIN: Queensland Australia.

GENERAL INFO: Stylidium is comprised of roughly 300 species. S. debile comes from Australia and is named for is thin yet plentiful flower stalks. This species is very easy to care for, thriving in simple soil mixes and tolerating a wide range of light and water levels. The plant is considered a ‘spreader’ and fills pots quickly. The flowers are covered in sticky trichomes capable of catching and digesting small insects. The name ‘trigger-plant’ refers to the large floral structure which swings forward and hits pollinators as they fuss about for nectar. The trigger does NOT reset. (Like VFT’s, avoid over-stressing for show)


WATER: 2 X Daily. Tap water is okay depending on water quality. Water the medium from overhead until water flows from the bottom. Lightly misting the leaves will keep the plant properly humid. A tray under the pot allows water to collect the keep the plant’s soil saturated throughout the day. This species if very forgiving and bounces back from drybacks while also thriving in water-logged conditions.

LIGHT: S.debile can tolerate varying light levels. Expect increased flower production in brighter light. 14-18 hours under LED grow lights or sunny-south facing windowsills work best.

FERTILIZATION: We recommend only using MAXSEA brand fertilizer for all carnivorous plants, as tests have shown these sensitive plants respond best to this brand alone. The plants will naturally catch flying insects. Fertilize foilage1 every 2 weeks in spring and summer, and once a month in winter. NEVER LET FERTILIZER TOUCH FLOWERS

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